Nota kaki Inflasi

  1. Tobin, James, American Economic Review, march (1969), "Inflation and Unemployment"
  2. Mundell, James, Journal of Political Economy, LXXI (1963), 280–83 "Inflation and Real Interest"
  3. Tobin, J. Econometrica, V 33, (1965), 671–84 "Money and Economic Growth"
  4. Mankiw 2002
  5. (p272)
  6. Robert Barro and Vittorio Grilli (1994), European Macroeconomics, Bab 8, ms. 139, Rajah 8.1. Macmillan, ISBN 0-333-57764-7.
  7. Tobin, James, American Economic Review, march (1969), "Inflation and Unemployment"